Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mr. Skittles and Bella the package deal!

LOL. I love these two. I really do. We originally had them as fosters until they found a new home. However I think it was just in the stars that things worked out they way they did.

We got Mr. Skittles and Bella a month after Susie passed. We figured we still had loads of love even though our hearts still hurt. We also figured that Roscoe and Donnie needed some entertainment. So we go over to the shelter and we pick them up and take them home. The whole time I am dreading this because I know how ferret math works and we are going to end up keeping them. So time passes and they are mixed in amongst our kids and they are starting to bond. I am starting to freak out. The shelter still hasn't put the kids up on pet finder or their website and its been three months now. We are taking them to ferret adoption days and nothing not a bite. I mean Hell They are CUTE!!! I would take them home. As a matter of fact I did!

So finally come the end of Sept of last year they get posted on pet finder and the website. This is where I finally break down and tell my husband we are keeping them. LOL. I knew it was coming. I just didn't want it to happen. Rule number one in the ferret owner manual....Your gunna have more then one. How can you not. They are the cutest things that walk the earth.

So here we are proud ferrents to four ferrets!! (say that six times really fast). Now individually they are two totally different personalities. Bella started out being the demon child from the deepest depths of hell. My husband was traveling alot last year and every time he left I would cringe and wait.....BAM! She would destroy something. Poop on the bed, toss the room. OH yeah. she was a nasty piece of work. Her daddy left and damn it she wanted him back. She didn't want to deal with icky mommy. I was just so upset one day that I had to put her in time out. In the cage she went. Meanwhile Mr. Skittles was devastated by this. He wanted to break her out of jail. He enlisted the help of our local jail breaker Roscoe. To no avail. 15 minutes later I took her out. I needed a cool off period and I think then she learned her lesson. She has ever since been the picture of perfection. She will just look at us and collapse in a puddle of lovable goo. We have to hand feed her treats even though she is capable of getting her own. And my husband must have the cleanest face because he is forever getting groomed by her.

Now Mr. Skittles.  He has always been my good lil boy. He is our oldest to date. I would say he is five years old. I never wanted a white ferret. Everybody loves white ferrets and only wants white ferrets. But we brought him home and he melted our hearts (but really just mine). I think of him as our big dumb jock. He is all brawn. He also does the silliest stuff. He is my model. If I want a picture of my ferrets I can guarantee I will get a good one with him. He just loves to be loved! He is also the pickiest of eaters. Only the best for him. His treat has been renamed to ferret crack, liquid gold.. good ole Feretone! Gotta love it.

Mr. Skittles is below


And my personal fav of them together:


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