Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Don

Donnie went through a terrible loss when his sister Susie passed.  I dedicated much of my time during those black moments to this poor boy that was heart sick over his sissy.  A few months before Susie passed we rescued another ferret named Roscoe so we could get him intergrated in the group so Donnie wouldnt be left completely alone and heart broken.  But even with his best pal to suport him it was a hard transition for him.  I would come home nightly and cuddle with him in a bag Susie used to love to sleep in.  I didnt have the heart to erase her "essesnse" from the house after she left so the bag stayed as a painful reminder.  And every night poor Donnie would retire to the bag and let me rock him.  It was hard to see.  I feared that I would lose him also after the recent loss of Susie.  After a few hard weeks he finally started to play more, eat more and in general just be a ferret more.

Donnie has always had a special place in my heart.  He looks alot like my Simon.  Only Donnie is chunky looking and just a fuzz ball.  I will never understand why someone left him in that appartment.  I am thankful every day to MAFF.  Someone found him and heard of MAFF and a few months later he found us. ( I am one of the ferrents out there that believe I didnt find my ferrets...they found me.)  It was destiny. 

Donnie is the handsome gentle boy.  You fall in love with him as soon as you see him.  He loves his momma so much that he often walks so close to me I almost step on him all the time.  You dont see him play with toys much but when he does its usually to show mom or dad that he is happy.  As soon as you start to play with him he stops (unless its ferret in a bag or chase)

Donnie has a lot of stories to tell and lots of time to tell them but these first few posts where about my fuzzbutts past and present. I want to share the easy going nature of all my babies with everyone

Donnie now four other brothers and sisters.  A group of ferrets is called a business, I like to call mine a "Mafia".  You will see why as I continue with my ferrets tales!

Above are pictures of my Donnie.  The one on top is the picture of the post from MAFF for Donnie and Susie.  The one below was of him trying to sleep in a very small shoe box that my flip flops came in.